Настоящий лучик света: искалеченная собака-герой вдохновляет людей на борьбу за жизнь

No limps

Эта собака потеряла лапы и чуть не лишилась жизни, но не утратила надежду и в веру в людей!

Чи Чи не только смогла выздороветь, но и теперь помогает людям и поддерживает тех, кто в этом нуждается.

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We had record rain this week, so it’s been very wet outside. Today, it was finally dry enough for me to take some pictures with my trophies and the medal I received at the Hero Dog Awards. ?? I received a medal and a beautiful glass trophy for being the 2018 Hero Therapy Dog. I received a wood trophy with a hero dog for being the 2018 American Hero Dog. ?? I am so grateful for all of your love and support and for everyone who voted, shared and encouraged their friends and family to vote for me. None of this would have been possible without your unending commitment to vote daily over the past 7 months. It is truly an honor to receive these awards, and I hope that even more people are now positively impacted by my story. ?? Thank you for your continued positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers for my complete and perfect healing. ?? #nevergiveup #cherisheveryday #loveabundantly #2018AmericanHeroDog @herodogawards @hallmarkchannel @chickensouppets

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«Она украла мое сердце!»

Очаровательный золотистый ретривер был найден в мусорном мешке внутри контейнера.  Произошло это в одном из городов Южной Кореи.

Работники приюта пришли в шок от увиденного: лапы собаки были связаны проводами и гнили, поэтому Чи Чи пришлось срочно ампутировать все четыре конечности.

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Today is my sister Megan’s Birthday ???. I wanted to surprise her with a special treat, so I went to Nothing Bundt Cakes to get her a yummy dessert. Of course, I took my 2018 American Hero Dog trophy with me. The ladies working in the store were so excited to meet me. ?? I’ll admit that I was surprised to learn that they don’t offer a doggy carrot cake – I bet they could sell a lot of those. Since doggy cake wasn’t an option, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to sample the white raspberry cake. It was yummy! Don’t tell Megan about the special treat I got her – I want it to be a surprise. Now I need to convince Daddy to make a Doggy carrot cake for me, Maggie, Kipper and Harry. ?? #nevergiveup #cherisheveryday #loveabundantly #2018AmericanHeroDog #HappyBirthdayMegan @nothingbundtcakes @herodogawards @hallmarkchannel

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После пережитого «пациентка» осталась в приюте, но ненадолго: ее увидела на видео Элизабет Хоуэлл из Аризоны. Женщина говорит, что ее потрясло то, какое жизнелюбие излучала собака, пережившая такую тяжелую операцию.

Чи Чи весело виляла хвостиком, несмотря на боль, которую ей приходилось терпеть.

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Today is the last day to vote for me in the @herodogawards. Voting closes today at 12pm PDT/3pm EDT, so please remember to vote in the next few hours. ?? Vote for Chi Chi here or use the link in my profile: http://herodogawards.org/dog/chi-chi/ ?? Thank you for your continued positive thoughts and prayers. I slept good last night and will be taking it easy today. Please pray that I will improve and regain full muscle coordination and that the inflammation in my brain is not a regrowth or metastases of the cancer. ?? Thank you for all of your love and support and for being part of Team Chi Chi!! ?? P.S. It’s early here, so I’m still asleep. Mommy took this picture of me last week. ?? #nevergiveup #cherisheveryday @americanhumane @hallmarkchannel @chickensouppets

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«Она просто украла мое сердце!» – призналась тогда Элизабет.

Новая семья заказала для собачки специальные протезы, в которых Чи Чи чувствует себя вполне комфортно. К слову, процесс создания был очень сложным, ведь каждая лапка оказалась разной длины. Кроме того, были сомнения относительно того, сможет ли вообще питомица когда-нибудь ходить.

Но тяжелая работа принесла свои плоды: теперь собака ловко бегает на своих новых «лапках» и излучает невероятное счастье!

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I slept well last night, ate my breakfast and am feeling pretty good today. It’s a beautiful Fall morning and the air is a bit cooler, so I’m enjoying some time outside while Daddy works in the yard. I’m happy that Daddy finished building the fence so Harry can’t get to the rocks anymore. ?? There’s lots of activity around the house today with everyone getting ready for the trip to Hollywood for the Hero Dog Awards. Maggie, Harry and Kipper are going to be pampered while I’m gone. The live-in pet sitter will be giving them lots of pets and love throughout the day. I will miss them while I’m gone but am happy that they will be well cared for. ?? Please continue your positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers that I continue to improve and for my complete and perfect healing. ?? I’m so thankful you are part of Team Chi Chi. ?? #nevergiveup #cherisheveryday

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Подарок от Бога

Впрочем, не так давно судьба снова проверила питомицу на прочность: ей пришлось пережить удаление ракового новообразования, но Чи Чи справилась и теперь радует своих хозяев.

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#tbt Do you remember this picture of me and Megan from almost a year ago? Mommy and Daddy hung this Never Give Up sing in Megan’s room when she was a toddler, and it’s still something our family lives by every day. ?? Thank you for your continued positive thoughts and prayers. I’m getting another Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment today. Please pray that the treatment is effective in repairing any radiation side effects in my brain. Please also pray that I will continue to improve and regain full muscle coordination and that the inflammation is not a regrowth or metastases of the cancer. ?? There’s only 7 days of voting remaining! Thank you for voting and sharing every day through September 5th in the @herodogawards. ?? Vote for Chi Chi here or use the link in my profile: http://herodogawards.org/dog/chi-chi/ ?? Thank you for all of your love and support and for being part of Team Chi Chi!! ?? #nevergiveup #cherisheveryday @americanhumane @hallmarkchannel @chickensouppets

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Каждый, кто видит эту собачку, говорит, что от нее исходит удивительная теплота и свет. Несмотря на пережитое, питомица остается все той же доброй и ласковой. Ничего удивительного, что однажды она стала своеобразным лохматым «психотерапевтом».

Она навещает ветеранов, приходит в клиники, где находятся люди с ограниченными возможностями…

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Yesterday I got a bath, so I will be extra clean and soft for my adventures this weekend. Tomorrow, Mommy and Megan are taking me to the mountains. I’m meeting up with some of my Therapy Dog friends to participate in Kids Safety Day. If you will be in Northern Arizona, I hope you will stop by the Munds Park Firehouse to say hello. We will be teaching the kids about pet safety and how to safely approach dogs. It should be a great day. I’m really looking forward to seeing my friends, meeting new people and being in the cooler weather. ?? @pinewoodfire Thank you for continuing to vote and share each day so I can walk the red carpet in the @herodogawards . ?? Vote for me here or use the link in my profile: http://herodogawards.org/dog/chi-chi/ ?? Thank you so much for your messages and comments and for your continued prayers and positive thoughts. Please pray that the surgeon will be able to completely remove the cancer during the thyroid surgery on Tuesday, that the remaining nasal cancer goes away and for my complete and perfect healing. Please also pray for strength and comfort for my family. ?? Thank you for being part of Team Chi Chi!! ?? #nevergiveup @americanhumane @hallmarkchannel @chickensouppets

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Для каждого, кто лишился ноги или руки, кто получил рану и потерял веру в себя, собачка становится лучиком света. Она открывает людские сердца и дарит свою любовь каждому, кто ее видит. Каким-то внутренним ощущением собака чувствует, что именно здесь ее очень ждут и в ней нуждаются…

«Чи Чи – настоящий подарок от Бога!» – говорит ее хозяйка. – « Мы благодарны за каждый день, который она с нами, наполняя его любовью и призывая никогда не сдаваться!»

Неудивительно, что питомица завоевала титул собаки-героя, обойдя 256 четвероногих конкурентов. В конце октября пройдет официальная церемония вручения наград, с чем мы ее и поздравляем!

Mommy accepting the 2018 Hero Therapy Dog Award for me

Geplaatst door Chi Chi Rescue Dog op Zondag 7 oktober 2018

Пусть твое жизнелюбие никогда не иссякает, милая и очаровательная Чи Чи!

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I’ve been feeling pretty good since returning home. The 3 treatments of Stereotactic Radiosurgery that I received are the best treatment available for my kind of tumor and the treatment has minimal side effects. The incision on my head from the biopsy is healing well and the sutures will be removed next week. Even though I’ve been tired from the travel and radiation treatments, I still have plenty of energy to play. Yesterday afternoon I had fun playing with my giggle balls. Thank you for your continued prayers, positive thoughts, support and encouragement. Your messages and comments have been very encouraging to my family. 1. Pray that we will be connected with the best doctors and experts to develop the integrated treatment plan 2. Pray that the Radiation treatment is effective (Chi Chi will have another CT in a few months) 3. Pray for complete and perfect healing for Chi Chi 4. Pray that Chi Chi feels good, wants to eat play and share her love, and isn’t in any pain or discomfort 5. Pray for strength and comfort for our family Please continue to vote for me everyday for the Hero Dog Awards. You can vote for me here: http://herodogawards.org/dog/chi-chi/ T-shirt update: We sent some design ideas and pictures to a company that is able to design, make and ship the t-shirts. They can also make bandanas, so if anyone is interested in bandanas for your furries, we will make those available too. Thank you for being part of Team Chi Chi!! ??

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Кстати, а вы уже знаете чем опасен пляжный отдых для собаки?

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